Saturday, August 11, 2007

For All The Great Women In Our Lives

I am sure most of you will not believe that I am actually writing something, but as my secretary is away I thought I would take the opportunity to send a shout out to all the beautiful ladies.

Everyday I feel a great respect for the woman (Deb) who gave birth to our child and I am sure that she does not have a clue as to how I really feel. I know for a fact that I could have never endured labor or the whole process of carrying a child. I thought that sleeping in the same bed with a woman who was snoring louder than my father was something from a horror movie. My God, I thought I was going to die watching Deb deliver Baylor. I had to ask the Doctor if she was going to be ok, then I looked at myself and asked if I was going to be ok.

I bet I can speak for all of the mothers who didn't actually carry these beautiful little creatures in our bodies, that those who did are truly a blessing. Everyone of you have truly earned the title of Mother of the Year. I look at our child and realize how wonderful Deb is and how grateful I am to have her as a partner and the love of my life. Oh, I forgot to mention she is also a great secretary. I wouldn't trade her for anything; unless it was a black Hummer then I would think about it!!!!! LOL..... I love you Deb


Anonymous said...

Oh how sweet was that!
Shout out to all the Women as well.. Woou Woo :)
You do have a beautiful daughter.. Way to go Deb..

Ky said...

Great post! It reminded me of how much B does for our kids and family. Women rock!

K J and the kids said...

That is the nicest thing I think I have ever heard you say.
Well....using your outside voice any ways :) ha ha

It's also nice to see you know....since this was YOUR blog.

That was a beautiful post. Keep em comin'

Holly said...

That was so great - and so true!
I feel that way all the time and continue to tell my amazing wife how lucky I am to have her and our beautiful son!
Thank you for the post.
it's perfect.

ajs4ever said...

How sweet! Deb is really lucky to have you:)

NiaCP said...

Great post - You in the dog house or something? just kidding, well said and from the heart.

K J and the kids said...

Post a picture of Bay for hell sakes. SOMETHING !

:) hee hee