Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Mom's Little Helper

B has always been a great little helper and wants to be in the middle of the action. We were adding some small shrubs to the yard and due to all the rain, there were tons of worms! B loved it, she was so excited when she would find one and then was fascinated as she watched in crawl back into the dirt. Of course she wanted to catch a few and but them in a container with mud!

After the shrubs were planted and the rain came, we moved inside to start our Saturday chores. Believe it or not B loves "Saturday chores". She quickly changed her clothes to get rid of the mud - out she came in just the swimming suit bottoms. I tried to convince her that she needed the top on , but no luck....

Other than a fun weekend working on projects, working our PT jobs a bit and spending some time with family, there is not a lot new to share. M is out of the sling, is making good progress and is almost back to full action. The new position is keeping her busy and has required some late nights and a few overnight trips. It's really be a great change for all of us!


K J and the kids said...

Well it sounds like things have been pretty busy at your house.
B looks so cute in her swim bottoms :) Topless at 3. Nice !
This wanting to help so much can be a good and bad thing :)
Cute pics.

Dee said...

Cute pics!! I love that you can get help with chores!

Anonymous said...

Nice... What a good helper! Sounds like everything with M is going well and you family is doing great! Good to hear! :)

Holly said...

Love the pictures! What a great little helper - top or no top!

Holly said...

Glad M is feeling better!

Denise said...


ajs4ever said...

So glad to see a new post and with pics- added bonus!! Glad you all like the new job:)