Thursday, October 25, 2007

Road Trip

We traveled approximately 1700 miles in 5 days, were in 3 different states and had a great time! B was excellent, better than I had imagined. We watched movies, colored, read books and did a lot of singing. Our first stop was Alliance/Hemmingford, Nebraska. Great Papa Elmer threw a big Polka Party, live Polka Band and all, it was ton's of fun. Papa is 86 and still can dance with the best of them. After a few days with extended family and friends, we headed out to South Dakota, through the Black Hills to Crazy Horse, Mount Rushmore and Deadwood. We then traveled through Wyoming back home. The whether was chilly and because it was "off season" there we no crowds, which was nice. We saw buffalo, mountain goats, deer, antalope, wild turkey's and praire dogs. B was very interested in Mt. Rushmore. She was trying to understand how those men got up on the mountain and if they were dead or not. We were explaining to her about they were important people, but they were not alive anymore, etc, etc....A few minutes later B asked, "Well, why does Frosty melt when it's not cold, do the faces melt, are they alive?" She was so sincere and cute about it.


Denise said...

Wow sounds like a cool trip.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Sounds like such a wonderful time! That's a long damn time to be in the car, but doesn't surprise me that B was so good!
That's cute that she was saying that about the "people up there".. LOL! Darling

K J and the kids said...

How much fun is that.
I love that B was so good for you....and that you got to polka dance with great papa :)
NOT as much as I love that gray face is drinking beer.
Maybe that explains WHY gray face is gray face :)

Holly said...

Sounds like a perfect trip! Love the pictures.

People still do polka!?!?