Tuesday, November 20, 2007

B's Bad Rash

On Saturday morning B and I were cooking breakfast together and as we were washing our hands M and I noticed that B's were really red and looked like they had a rash on them. Literally, within seconds her whole body was covered with "red spots". M and I first thought it may be chicken pox's! With in an hour B looked horrible. She was puffy and swollen and began itching. Too be safe, and to make sure that grandma's over the phone diagnosis were correct we decided to take B to the doctor. B had an allergic reaction to the antibiotic "sulfa" which we had just finished that morning.....Although B looked bad and was feeling down and out we were glad it was nothing worse!


K J and the kids said...

oh no !!!!
How weird that it would hit her the LAST day she was taking the antibiotic.
Poor little thing.
I hope she's feeling better.
From the pictures she looks like she's doing great :)

Dee said...

That's too bad! Poor B! Hope she's doing much better. BTW - She is gorgeous!

NiaCP said...

Yikes! I have the same allergy and so I know it is no fun!!! I hope she is feeling better. Not a whole lot you can do in the meantime.

ajs4ever said...

Poor thing! GLad she is feeling okay:) Have a super Thanksgiving!!

Anonymous said...

Poor little baby girl! I wish you all could have made it to the party, but I do understand.. Hopefully she is feeling all better and thank god it wasn't anything else.. Sheesh!
Happy Thanksgiving

Denise said...

Aww poor thing!

Holly said...

poor kid! Hope she's all better soon.

Andrew had a reaction last week to an antibiotic and it was 5 days after he started taking it that the rash broke out. Weird.

K J and the kids said...

Seriously...I'm a little sick of looking at this rash for over a FREAKING MONTH NOW !
Can you post something .... anything !