Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Bad Morning

I'm not sure if you all have these kind of days. But it's on days like today I question weather or not I'm cut out to be a mom...I know what some of you might think, I only have one and she's such a "good" kid. Well, Baylor and I had a terrible, I mean horendous morning. I woke her at 7:20am (her regular time) and from that moment on she cried, was screaming, wanted to go to old school, wanted to call Cade (he was not home and had already gone to school), refused to change clothes, went biserk over the outfit I had picked (including the underware which was not Ariel), was kicking and hitting me and anything else she could reach, didn't want her hair combed, wanted her hair combed, no pony, yes pony, only one pony, etc, etc. You get the picture right?.....this went on for an hour and 10 mintues, and yes I lost my cool! It is not common for Baylor to behave like this and NEVER has it gone on for over an hour! So I began trying to figure out what had changed and why was she acting like this....well, so far all I can come up with is that she is no longer taking naps at school or at home on the weekends. The teacher approached us last week and indicated that she had not been sleeping when the younger kids went down for a nap. This had been going on for quite a while so they asked if she could go with the bigger kids for quiet time and a movie. We said that would be fine with us. Well, I attribute her outburst today to lack of sleep and being too, too tired to function and reason in the morning.....This transition is not going well so far....game plan for tonight: eat, tub, bed by 7:30!


K J and the kids said...

I'm sorry. I have a song in my head.
Mom said there'd be days like this.

We have had these too. Sometimes if I stop trying to push Syd to eat, get ready, and just sit and rock with her for a few mintues. Let her collect herself. Even though I'm stressed out because we have an appointment or something that we HAVE to get to in 10 minutes and nobody is dressed....sometimes just stopping helps.
Bay is a great kid and I'm sure will adjust soon. She needs to find a new "cade". She's so friendly that I'm sure she will in no time.
Good luck to you !
T-ball starts on Wed.that should make a difference.

Anonymous said...

What? Baylor???? NO WAY!!!
Now you know what goes on in our lives at least once a week with one of the boys.. Holy shit huh?
I'm sure it's just because she's tired... She'll be fine.. Good luck with the 7:30, that would be SWEET!

Holly said...

Ugh. What a morning.
I hope the change in bedtime creates a more mommy-friendly morning.

NiaCP said...

I'm glad to know Baylor is human! I have had some of the same since we started daycare a few weeks ago. The new routine stresses them out and the more rushed I am the worse it seems. Let me know if you think of somthing really snappy, like tickling her if she says no. I liked that one.