Monday, July 16, 2007

Summer Fun

We began this weekend with both saturday and sunday free of work! Yes, believe it our not neither of us had to work any of our jobs, and we only had one commitment, Cameron and Spencer's birthday party. I can't remember the last time that M and I had a weekend together, without running to one end of the state to another to meet family functions, etc, etc. Well, we set out with big ideas of getting the "to do" list done! Good idea, but we didn't get to far. The good part was we had a great weekend. The birthday party was tons of fun. It was great to see old friends and enjoyed getting to know new ones - and putting families together with blog sites. Baylor had a great time too, she wanted to go back to Syd's house on Sunday! We attempted to see a movie at the theatre - Baylor didn't last and was begging to leave after 45 minutes - so it was home to accomplish the chores. M and I are sore from yard work and changing bike oil and filters. All in all we had a great time, somehow avoided heat stroke, and could not keep Baylor and Dakota out of the water!!! I know, I know, it was only 104 degrees.


Anonymous said...

It was good to see all of you on Saturday.. You look great!
Glad you finally got to have a weekend together.
Cute pictures, shes such a doll!

Dee said...

It was so good to see you! I can't believe how big Baylor's gotten. She is so beautiful! I LOVE that swim suit!

ECand3 said...

So, you are K's other "Hey you should blog" victims. Glad to know it's not just me.

Baylor is GORGEOUS! What a face. And cute pup, too.

Free weekends don't really exist. They are a myth perpetrated by single people with no children and no friends or family. We had a "free" weekend planned, too, and ended up with a huge project. feels good when it's done, though.

Changing bike oil? Motorcycles? Shouldn't you be posting pix of those babies too?

K J and the kids said...

How nice for you guys.
You should have dropped Bay off and hit the movie. We would have loved to have her.
Glad you had a good weekend. Thanks for coming.

ajs4ever said...

Sounds like you all had a blast! Wish I was close enough to have joined in the fun:)

Denise said...

Great pis your little girl is adorable.

NiaCP said...

Baylor is so cute, and such a good girl too! What movie did you attempt. We went to see Rattuille (no idea on spelling). 15 minutes in both kids were asleep in our arms. We just laughed, thinking we could have been in an adult movie if we would have known they would sleep.

MD&B said...

We tried that same movie! Baylor was entertained for a 20 minutes or so and then lost interest....and by the 45 minute mark we were out of there.....