Tuesday, November 20, 2007

B's Bad Rash

On Saturday morning B and I were cooking breakfast together and as we were washing our hands M and I noticed that B's were really red and looked like they had a rash on them. Literally, within seconds her whole body was covered with "red spots". M and I first thought it may be chicken pox's! With in an hour B looked horrible. She was puffy and swollen and began itching. Too be safe, and to make sure that grandma's over the phone diagnosis were correct we decided to take B to the doctor. B had an allergic reaction to the antibiotic "sulfa" which we had just finished that morning.....Although B looked bad and was feeling down and out we were glad it was nothing worse!

Monday, November 5, 2007


We had a great Halloween at Robyn, Heather & Cade's house! Great food, fun, friends and family. The trick-or-treating was tons of fun and the kids got too much candy. B's friend Michael joined us from Roy to make our pirate a three-some. Believe it or not, we did not plan on the three of them being pirates - but they sure turned out cute!
Thanks to Robyn & Heather for doing all the work and hosting the annual event, we had a great time!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Road Trip

We traveled approximately 1700 miles in 5 days, were in 3 different states and had a great time! B was excellent, better than I had imagined. We watched movies, colored, read books and did a lot of singing. Our first stop was Alliance/Hemmingford, Nebraska. Great Papa Elmer threw a big Polka Party, live Polka Band and all, it was ton's of fun. Papa is 86 and still can dance with the best of them. After a few days with extended family and friends, we headed out to South Dakota, through the Black Hills to Crazy Horse, Mount Rushmore and Deadwood. We then traveled through Wyoming back home. The whether was chilly and because it was "off season" there we no crowds, which was nice. We saw buffalo, mountain goats, deer, antalope, wild turkey's and praire dogs. B was very interested in Mt. Rushmore. She was trying to understand how those men got up on the mountain and if they were dead or not. We were explaining to her about they were important people, but they were not alive anymore, etc, etc....A few minutes later B asked, "Well, why does Frosty melt when it's not cold, do the faces melt, are they alive?" She was so sincere and cute about it.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Pumpkin Patch & Curlers

We had a great night at the pumpkin patch and it was nice to visit and catch up with you all, even if it was in the McDonald's play land!

We tried soft curlers in B's hair for the first time! She thought it was really fun and even woke up in the night and wanted me to fix a couple that had fallen out. The result in the morning was quite surprising! We did some "taming down" before she went to school!!!

Friday, October 12, 2007


I received this from a friend of mine and thought it was worth sharing with all of you. I had not seen nor heard of these specific cleaning sponges being so harmful.
My friend of a friend's story:
Ok, I'm sending this out to everyone so they don't make the same mistake I
made. I'm so embarrassed that this happened but I want you all to be aware
of what can happen. This was caused by a magic eraser sponge. I have let
both kids erase their crayon marks off the walls and never even thought the
sponges would have this kind of chemical in them that would cause this kind
of burn or even hurt them. Learn from my mistake. You can't even imagine
how bad I feel that this happened to Kolby. Pass this along to anyone who
has kids or grandchildren, Karlee.
This was Kolby 24 hours after being burned by a magic Eraser sponge. It was much
worse yesterday.
If you are a parent or grandparent, this post is meant to save your loved ones from the horror one of our friends went through. Here is the email we received -
One of my five year old's favorite chores around the house is cleaning scuff marks off the walls, doors, and baseboards with either an Easy Eraser pad, or the real deal, a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. I purchased a package of Magic Erasers ages ago when they first came out. I remember reading the box, wondering what the "Magic" component was that cleaned crayon off my walls with ease. No ingredients were listed and absolutely no warnings were<> on the box, other than "Do not ingest." My package of the Scotchbrite Easy Erasers didn't have a warning either and since my child knew not to eat the sponges and keep them out of reach of his little brother and sister , it was a chore I happily let him do. If I had known that both brands (and others like them) contain a harmful alkaline or "base" chemical (opposite of acid on the pH scale) that can burn your skin, I never would have let my little boy handle them. As you can see from the picture, when the Scotchbrite Easy Eraser was rubbed against his face and chin, he received severe chemical burns. At first, I thought he was being dramatic. I picked him up, put him on the counter top and washed his face with soap and water. He was screaming in pain. I put some lotion on his face - more agony. I had used a Magic Eraser to remove magic marker from my own knuckles a while back and I couldn't understand why he was suddenly in pain. Then, almost immediately, the large, shiny, blistering red marks started to spread across his cheeks and chin.
I quickly searched Google.com for "Magic Eraser Burn" and turned up several results. I was shocked. These completely innocent looking white foam sponges can burn you? I called our pediatrician, and of course got sent to voice mail. I hung up and called the Hospital and spoke to an Emergency Room nurse. She told me to call Poison Control. The woman at Poison Control said she was surprised nobody had sued these companies yet and walked me through the process of neutralizing the alkaline to stop my son's face from continually burning more every second.< style=" "> I had already, during my frantic phone calling, tried patting some numbing antibioti c cream on his cheeks, and later some Aloe Vera gel - both resulted in screams of pain. The Poison Control tech had me fill a bathtub with warm water, lay my son into it, cover him with a towel to keep him warm and then use a soft washcloth to rinse his face and chin with cool water for a continuous 20 minutes. My son calmed down immediately. He told me how good it felt. I gave him a dose of Tylenol and after the twenty minutes was up, he got dressed in his Emergency Room doctor Halloween costume and off we went to the Hospital.
They needed to make sure the chemical burn had stopped burning, and examine his face to determine if the burn would need to be debrided (from my fuzzy recollection of hospital work, this means removing loose tissue from a burn location). My son was pretty happy at the hospital, they were very nice and called him "Doctor" and let him examine some of their equipment. The water had successfully stopped the burning and helped soothe a lot of the pain. I'm sure Tylenol was helping too. They sent us home with more Aloe Vera gel, Polysporin antibiotic cream, and some other numbing burn creams. By the time we got home, my son was crying again. I tried applying some of the creams but he cried out in pain. Water seemed to be what worked the best. After a rough night, I took the above photo in the morning. He was swollen and wouldn't move his lips very much to avoid moving the skin on his taut
cheeks. I was fighting back the tears, and I said, "Oh honey, I wish I could take it away from you. I wish I could take it off your face and put it on mine." He was so shocked, he started to tear up a little and said, "Mom, no. You don't want this on your face, it hurts so much. You would be hurting. Last night was terrible, I couldn't sleep, and you wouldn't be able to sleep either." It just broke my heart into five trillion pieces - as much as he is hurting, he wouldn't want me to be hurting in his place.
Today he is doing much better. The burns have started to scab over, and in place of red, raw, angry, skin we have a deeper red, rough healing layer. I can touch his skin now, without it stinging, and this morning he went back to Pre-School with Polysporin rubbed all over his face. He announced to the class, "I brought my face for Show and Tell!"
Note - he was doing fine as of Friday. Kudos to this diligent parent for informing us all.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

A whole lot of nothing...

It seems as though we are running around a hundred miles a hour, in a circle, but really not doing much...or so it seems. ...
B is fairly independent and insists on choosing her our clothes that she wears to school. We have several strategies to help with this, including picking the outfit the night before. Well, nevertheless the strategies don't always work, especially when mom forgets to have B choose and set them out....Well, as you can see here is one of those days....yes, I really sent my kid to school in that outfit! M was horrified! It was one of those mornings that we were up earlier than usual in order for Mom to be to Ogden by 8am, M was gone chasing escaped prisoners and I didn't have the patience to problem solve and guide B to a better choice, hence I gave in and there you have it.....I have tried to throw those pants away several times and somehow they end up back in her closet!

The house hunting is wearing us out! So many choices, so many builders, and location, location, location!!! Just when I think we have it narrowed down, we change our mind. So the process continues. I have included my favorite so far....and I suppose I can keep dreaming because it's not even for sale. I just love the house and the landscaping. It really is beautiful. We pass it often on our way to grandma's house and I tell M every time, I would move today if it were for sale. Nevertheless, our search will continue.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Mom's Little Helper

B has always been a great little helper and wants to be in the middle of the action. We were adding some small shrubs to the yard and due to all the rain, there were tons of worms! B loved it, she was so excited when she would find one and then was fascinated as she watched in crawl back into the dirt. Of course she wanted to catch a few and but them in a container with mud!

After the shrubs were planted and the rain came, we moved inside to start our Saturday chores. Believe it or not B loves "Saturday chores". She quickly changed her clothes to get rid of the mud - out she came in just the swimming suit bottoms. I tried to convince her that she needed the top on , but no luck....

Other than a fun weekend working on projects, working our PT jobs a bit and spending some time with family, there is not a lot new to share. M is out of the sling, is making good progress and is almost back to full action. The new position is keeping her busy and has required some late nights and a few overnight trips. It's really be a great change for all of us!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Buy or Wait?

Well, almost 3 years ago M and I decided to sell our home in Draper, buy an "investment" which turned out to be a small condo in West Valley (which B calls "the hood"). As some of you know, we bought it on the "cop next door" program for 50% of the appraised value and then spent some money fixing it up. Here we are 3 years later and we are trying to make the most of our investment. Trying to find a new home that is not 4 feet from the neighbors house, has a three car garage and some room to move around a little (at least a 3 bed, 2.5 bath) is time consuming and frustrating.....the prices are HIGH! Then, every time I look at the newspaper or Internet there is an article about the housing market and how home sales are slowing and that prices are going to "soften"......trying to get the most out of the "investment", and finding something we like that is not $400+ is crazy.....any advise on buying now or holding out for the market to "soften"?

As for our place in the "hood", it has been a calm, quite place. However, Tuesday at about 4:30 am (just after our alarm went off) the power went off and then we heard two LOUD booms that shook the house! M took off for the door to check things out....we couldn't see anything and the power returned after just a few minutes. Well, long story short - the home on the corner was served a "no knock" warrant and they used a "flash bang" to enter and clear the house (hence the loud noises)....M did some checking and found out that the owner is into guns and drugs!, and that her office was called in to investigate. Holy cow, it's always a little more scary when it happens 150 yards from your place!

M's shoulder is doing well - but she has to remain in the sling until the first week of October. She goes to PT twice a week and then does a few small exercises (shoulder shrugs, etc) at home. The worst part is trying to sleep and night and finding some comfortable position to sleep in. We are all very anxious to have the arm in working order again!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Last of Summertime Fun

The close of summer is here and it really snuck up on us, as we have been extremely busy over the past two weeks. M had shoulder surgery to repair her torn rotator cuff on Wednesday the 22nd, took the rest of the week off. She began her new job assignment on the following Monday. She is currently working with the ATF (alcohol, tobacco & firearms) on the project safe neighborhood task force. It's been a real change and so far has been fantastic, M loves it. It has been great to see a renewed enthusiasm in her career. It requires a little more work and may require some nights, depending on her cases and when crime happens! Having her right arm tied down to her side has really been a difficult adjustment for her, and for Bay. M started physical therapy today and hopes to be back to using the arm soon. Although, the Doctor indicated that she can't participate in any "shooting" for another 3 weeks! So it's limited duty for now. M's summer school break was over before we knew it and she begins again today. The good news is she is down to her last four courses and her Masters degree will be complete!!!! I can hardly believe it.

We took a day to fish and spend time with M's family over the weekend. Bay loves to fish! Really, I think she just loves to cast and reel in her line, but nevertheless we had a great time.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

For All The Great Women In Our Lives

I am sure most of you will not believe that I am actually writing something, but as my secretary is away I thought I would take the opportunity to send a shout out to all the beautiful ladies.

Everyday I feel a great respect for the woman (Deb) who gave birth to our child and I am sure that she does not have a clue as to how I really feel. I know for a fact that I could have never endured labor or the whole process of carrying a child. I thought that sleeping in the same bed with a woman who was snoring louder than my father was something from a horror movie. My God, I thought I was going to die watching Deb deliver Baylor. I had to ask the Doctor if she was going to be ok, then I looked at myself and asked if I was going to be ok.

I bet I can speak for all of the mothers who didn't actually carry these beautiful little creatures in our bodies, that those who did are truly a blessing. Everyone of you have truly earned the title of Mother of the Year. I look at our child and realize how wonderful Deb is and how grateful I am to have her as a partner and the love of my life. Oh, I forgot to mention she is also a great secretary. I wouldn't trade her for anything; unless it was a black Hummer then I would think about it!!!!! LOL..... I love you Deb

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Wish Ride

The Wish Ride was on Saturday and we had a fantastic turnout!!! The riding was great, no one broke down and no one crashed, the weather was awesome, the BBQ, live band and prizes all turned out great as well!!! The Make a Wish family was very touching and emotional, it was really a great day. Leo the Lion, the Real mascot, joined us for the ride and he was fabulous! With a line of bikes well over a mile long, he held traffic at intersections (no cops needed!) and was racing around on his Harley V-Rod like you couldn't believe. He really is a great rider and made the event a blast. I leave you with just a few photos.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Tagged for a MeMe

I was tagged by K
Here are 8 random facts about myself

1) I can't dance! This includes aerobics, hip hop abs, or any other dance related movement to music!

2) Since giving birth to B, I cry at all sappy movies, most recently "The pursuit of Happyness" - my eyelids were still swollen in the morning.

3) I am the middle of three children - and still believe I am the "favorite" child.

4) I don't remember my dreams (never have), with the exception of the recurring dream that M gets killed in the line of duty. I hate it, and share it often with her so she will not let the dream come true.

5) In elementary school I was the c0-president of "the pantyhose club" where you had to kiss a boy to be in the club. Funny thing was that my best friend and co-president was also a lesbian!!! Who knew.

6) I hate to shop for groceries, movie rentals, and fabric!

7) After B was born and my 8 weeks of leave was up I headed back to work - only to catch phenomena within the first 2 hours of being at work. It was horrible, I was freezing cold and had blue lips when I arrived home. M & B drove me up to the ER! Long story short, one more week off from work!

8) I don't cook! When it's my night to get dinner ready we eat simple, plain easy to make food. M takes care of the real cooking, and don't let her fool you, she's a great cook!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Sunday Fun!

One of our last "free" Sundays for the next few months so we took the family on a bike ride along the Jordan River Parkway. We had a blast. B loves to ride in her cart, and usually sings to M the entire way. Dakota and I ride first so B can catch all the action and laugh at Dakota's big tongue flapping as he runs. Surprisingly, the parkway was not crowded and we nearly had the path all to ourselves. We spent about 2 1/2 hours, stopped several times for water breaks (Dakota's favorite part) and let B play on the playground as well. As we were out I thought to myself, we should do this more often and bring friends along next time. It's close to home, easy to get to, free and FUN! I'll have to admit that it took Dakota and extra hour or two to get cooled off. We went straight home and he made a slow dash for his pool. We set up B's pool and they were both in quicker than I could get it filled up. I thought for sure Dakota would be resting the remainder of the day. I was wrong. He had his ball in his mouth and was ready to play later that evening!!!

Friday, July 20, 2007

B's First Tee Ball Game

I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. But if I do say so myself, I think she looks like a natural with a lot of potential!!! Of course she was listening intently to the coach (guy in yellow) and took a little time to "meet the boys" then saved the best part for last, her first attempt at hitting a coached pitched ball....and then coach brought out the Tee.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Charity Ride

As you may know, motorcycling is one of M's passions. When B was born M also became passionate about kids, their safety and well being. M took it upon herself to organize and develop this Charity Ride. I will have to admit that the Department of Corrections role is very minimal, it has been M and a handful of her co-workers who do all the work. That being said, it has been a huge undertaking that has also been very rewarding and has provided an opportunity for kids to have "wishes" granted. If you know much about the Make A Wish Foundation you may know that meeting the kids and hearing their "story" is very touching and emotional. It is rewarding to know that you had a part in making a wish come true for them. All that being said I just wanted to share the information about the ride in case any of you would like to join the ride! Also, just wanted to give huge props to M! She is the greatest wife, partner, lover, mother and best friend I could have ever dreamed of. She takes on too much, works too hard, and is too unselfish. I love and appreciate her more and more as we grow together on this journey of life. Thanks M, for everything. I love you.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Bad Morning

I'm not sure if you all have these kind of days. But it's on days like today I question weather or not I'm cut out to be a mom...I know what some of you might think, I only have one and she's such a "good" kid. Well, Baylor and I had a terrible, I mean horendous morning. I woke her at 7:20am (her regular time) and from that moment on she cried, was screaming, wanted to go to old school, wanted to call Cade (he was not home and had already gone to school), refused to change clothes, went biserk over the outfit I had picked (including the underware which was not Ariel), was kicking and hitting me and anything else she could reach, didn't want her hair combed, wanted her hair combed, no pony, yes pony, only one pony, etc, etc. You get the picture right?.....this went on for an hour and 10 mintues, and yes I lost my cool! It is not common for Baylor to behave like this and NEVER has it gone on for over an hour! So I began trying to figure out what had changed and why was she acting like this....well, so far all I can come up with is that she is no longer taking naps at school or at home on the weekends. The teacher approached us last week and indicated that she had not been sleeping when the younger kids went down for a nap. This had been going on for quite a while so they asked if she could go with the bigger kids for quiet time and a movie. We said that would be fine with us. Well, I attribute her outburst today to lack of sleep and being too, too tired to function and reason in the morning.....This transition is not going well so far....game plan for tonight: eat, tub, bed by 7:30!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Summer Fun

We began this weekend with both saturday and sunday free of work! Yes, believe it our not neither of us had to work any of our jobs, and we only had one commitment, Cameron and Spencer's birthday party. I can't remember the last time that M and I had a weekend together, without running to one end of the state to another to meet family functions, etc, etc. Well, we set out with big ideas of getting the "to do" list done! Good idea, but we didn't get to far. The good part was we had a great weekend. The birthday party was tons of fun. It was great to see old friends and enjoyed getting to know new ones - and putting families together with blog sites. Baylor had a great time too, she wanted to go back to Syd's house on Sunday! We attempted to see a movie at the theatre - Baylor didn't last and was begging to leave after 45 minutes - so it was home to accomplish the chores. M and I are sore from yard work and changing bike oil and filters. All in all we had a great time, somehow avoided heat stroke, and could not keep Baylor and Dakota out of the water!!! I know, I know, it was only 104 degrees.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Thanks for all the "welcome" comments!!!

I finally got around the the Disco Party pictures and thought I would just post a couple from the pre-skate at the moon, and Kelly's shooting duck could not go un-posted! We had a great time, thanks everyone!

Friday, July 6, 2007

"Bad Guys"

Baylor definitely takes after M on this one. Every night when we lay down for bed Baylor asks us "did you lock both doors and both locks", of course we answer "yes" and sort of shake our heads. Is this normal for a 3 year old to be so concerned about the doors??? Then, M got a new police car. Of course Baylor wanted to ride in it and M had to explain that only "bad guys" can ride in the back seat of mom's car. After a short pause and some deep thought from Bay she replied "don't ever let those bad guys hurt you". I couldn't believe it, she was so sincere.....

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

some background

So what does "all this for a Mickey Mouse bobber" have to do with it? Well, 12 years ago M and I were on one of our first adventures, fishing! Michelle pulled out this awesome Mickey Mouse bobber from her tackle box! At that point I knew it was fate! I am a huge fan of Mickey and couldn't believe that Michelle had the ultimate bobber!!! Since that time we continually joke with each other that if we were ever to divorce, the one doing the leaving would "walk in their panties and the other would retain sole possession of the Mickey Mouse bobber! Hence, we are still happily together, neither of us willing to give up Mickey!!!